Our Sunday service begins with a time of prayer to prepare us for worship.

10 to 15 minutes to begin worship honoring God and thanking Him for our blessings.

Begin prayer time understanding your faith journey using Matthew 5:3-6 as a guide.

Discipleship may ebb and flow as we live a life for Christ, as we experience life’s complexity.

Our faith, obedience and love of the Lord may find us poor in spirit or pure in heart at times.

Understanding where we are focuses us during our prayer time with the Lord.

The three phases of our time of prayer follows the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6: 9-13.

Phase one — personal consecration. V. 9

* Humbled yourself before God, recognizing his righteousness

Phase two focus prayer as to the concerns close to the heart of God. V. 10

* Acknowledge His sovereignty over heaven and earth in all things

*Pray for His wisdom and protection for the church (2 Thessalonians 3:1-3)

Phase three present your personal prayers to God. VV. 11-13

*Acknowledge God’s blessings in your life and your needs.

*Interceding prayers for the burdens of others.

*Strengthen our faith to persevere and be obedient to Him through all things

This prayer time prepares our heart , soul and mind to be with God, through Jesus Christ and fed by the Holy Spirit as we come together, as His church, to worship and glorify him.