Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10

At Northgate Church, we have experienced the wonder, beauty, and truth of the Good News of Jesus Christ, and we want to share it to all in all ways possible. This sometimes means delivering food to a neighbor down the street, and it sometimes means praying with an orphan in another country. In big ways and small, tangible ways and spiritual, far away and near by, we share what we have been given. #AllNationsOrBust

Serve Local

Snack Packs- Haslet Elem.

Some children leave school on Friday afternoon and may not know if they will have food to eat again until Monday morning. We work with Haslet Elementary and other local churches to help alleviate this problem. Every other month of the school year, the church gathers to put together Snack Packs: bundles of ready to eat food. These packs are delivered to the school counsellor who helps them find the hands of students in need.

Serve Global


ASOSAP (Hope of the Pokomchi) is a separate non-profit organization in San Cristóbal Verapaz, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala dedicated to partnering with the indigenous Mayan Pokomchí people of Guatemala as they endeavor to reach their God-given potential. Northgate partners with ASOSAP by sending supplies, support, and short term mission teams to assist in their water tank, pastoral development, and after-school programs.

Roanoke Food Pantry

Roanoke Food Pantry is a separate 501(c)3 company that helps feed about 75 families in the NISD area. They also organize a Christmas program to help provide a holiday dinner and gifts to often twice the number of families. Northgate Church assists annually in donating food to the Pantry and adopting families during the holiday season.



Impact India Ministries is a separate 501(c)3 organization that seeks to love and support the destitute in India, like orphans and single mothers, while also assisting in breaking the cycle of poverty among them. Northgate has recently begun a partnership with Impact India, and is looking forward to how the partnership will develop in the future.

Operation Christmas Child

Northgate partners with Samaritan Purse to help achieve their goal of demonstrating God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Every November, Northgate’s children, student, and adult ministries collect toys, hygiene items, and school supplies to send around the world in shoeboxes through Operation Christmas Child.